Adding fuzzy search to Wicket autocomplete components
In part 2 we show how to add fuzzy search to our dropdowns using Levenshtein distance. We discuss some limitations and possible improvements.
Java and Wicket web development thoughts, tutorials, and tips
In part 2 we show how to add fuzzy search to our dropdowns using Levenshtein distance. We discuss some limitations and possible improvements.
Autocomplete or type-ahead fields are used when the large number of options makes it infeasible to use dropdowns containing all the possible options. Let’s learn how to implement them in Wicket.
Learn how to quickly add database communication to your Wicket app using Hibernate and Spring Data JPA while writing almost no code!
In part 2, we get into the nitty gritty details of how to implement the hybrid approach.
Simplify data storage in your apps by using JSON column types instead of relying on database normalization.
Deploying Spring Boot app to AWS Beanstalk with Nginx customization · September 3, 2021