How to create dynamic HTML markup for Wicket panels
Use IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider to allow your Wicket Panel’s to generate their own dynamic markup!
Java and Wicket web development thoughts, tutorials, and tips
Use IMarkupResourceStreamProvider and IMarkupCacheKeyProvider to allow your Wicket Panel’s to generate their own dynamic markup!
How to call Wicket code from Javascript by adding a behavior to our WebPage and using it’s callback URL.
Wicket is a very server-side focused framework, so working with ajax requests is quite different from what you might be used. This will show you how to get started quickly!
The most important part of being an effective Wicket developer is understanding how to use Models.
The #1 rule is, always use Models! Here’s how.
Reducing Wicket page size is one of the most important things you can do for performance. In part 2, learn how and when to replace AttributeModifier and AttributeAppender by overriding onComponentTag to squeeze out maxiumum perfomance!
Reducing Wicket page size is one of the most important things you can do for performance. Learn how and when to replace Label’s with Literals.
Wicket-fields is a UI library that makes creating simple bootstrap UI’s a breeze
Learn how to replace the loved/hated PropertyModel with the much sexier LambdaModel.
How to create a Wicket button component to prevent users from clicking buttons multiple times in succession.
How to dynamically choose the implementation of Wicket panels when adding them to your page using reflection and the factory pattern.
Deploying Spring Boot app to AWS Beanstalk with Nginx customization · September 3, 2021