A typical Wicket setup
So you’ve got a nicely structured Wicket application setup, with neatly separated Panels to group functionality. You’ve got WebPage’s that are built up by adding several Panels to them. It would typically look something like this:
<span wicket:id="introPanel"></span>
<span wicket:id="profilePanel"></span>
<span wicket:id="settingsPanel"></span>
public class UserPage extends WebPage {
public UserPage() {
add(new IntroPanel("introPanel"));
add(new ProfilePanel("profilePanel"));
add(new SettingsPanel("settingsPanel"));
The problem
Suppose you need different implementations of ProfilePanel for each of your customers. A simple but unmaintainable way of doing this would be to use if statements, but as you can see this would get messy very quickly:
//very messy, unmaintainable
if(customer = 1)
add(new ProfilePanel1("profilePanel"));
else if(customer = 2)
add(new ProfilePanel2("profilePanel"));
Introducing the CustomerSpecific interface
Leveraging techniques we’ve learned in previous blog posts and reflection, we can come up with a much cleaner solution. The first step is to define an annotation that we can use to mark Wicket Panels as being specific to a customer and which Panel they are overriding, let’s call it CustomerSpecific:
public @interface CustomerSpecific {
Class<?> replace();
String customer();
We can now use this annotation to create a custom implementation of ProfilePanel for one of your customers, ‘FB’. We create a new class ProfilePanelFB extending ProfilePanel and mark it with the CustomerSpecific annotation.
@CustomerSpecific(replace = ProfilePanel.class, customer = "FB")
public class ProfilePanelFB extends ProfilePanel {
public ProfilePanelFB(String id) {
//add custom code here
Now you might be wondering how do we add this panel to the page? We will show that soon, but there is one more step before we can do that.
Introducing PanelFactory
We need a way for our application to scan our code and find all Panels annotated with CustomerSpecific and provide a quick and simple way to get an instance of the correct Panel based on the current customer.
PanelFactory does just that. On application startup, it caches all the constructors of all the Panel’s that are marked as CustomerSpecific and provides a simple way of instantiating a Panel using the correct customer implementation.
You can check out the full code for PanelFactory on GitHub. We will show here how to use it.
Using PanelFactory to get an instance of ProfilePanel
So using the example above, how do we get an instance of ProfilePanelFB without explicitly knowing that it even exists?
addOrReplace(panelFactory.newInstance(ProfilePanel.class, "profilePanel", () -> new ProfilePanel("profilePanel")));
What the above line does is ask panelFactory to return an implementation of ProfilePanel for the current customer, with the markup ID “profilePanel”. If no implementation exists, by default, return the standard ProfilePanel.
If you put a breakpoint here, and set your environment to use the ‘FB’ customer, you will see that the return type is ProfilePanelFB!
Now your new UserPage will look something like this:
public class UserPage extends WebPage {
public UserPage() {
addOrReplace(panelFactory.newInstance(IntroPanel.class, "introPanel", () -> new IntroPanel("introPanel")));
addOrReplace(panelFactory.newInstance(ProfilePanel.class, "profilePanel", () -> new ProfilePanel("profilePanel")));
addOrReplace(panelFactory.newInstance(SettingsPanel.class, "settingsPanel", () -> new SettingsPanel("settingsPanel")));
You can have as many implementations for all your customers as you need, without UserPage needing to know anything about them! Check out the full working sample app on GitHub.